February 14, 2014


By Kevin In 35mm, 85mm, Black and White, Candid, Natural Light, Winter, With Mom

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A couple weeks ago we suffered through “Snowpocalypse.” This week we endured “Icemageddon.” And I joked on Facebook that if we have another winter storm it’ll have to be “Annihailation.”

Noelle — you’re approaching 20 months! Soon it will be Summer and your birthday. All I can say is that both mom and I are having a ton of fun with you and love you so much.

This week you’ve really started picking up your communication. You’re understanding better when we tell you things and you’re telling us what you want or need all of the time. I think you’re going to start saying a bunch of new words here in the near future.

You’ve also gotten into us singing to you lately. Your favorite songs are: Old McDonald Had a Farm, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Five Little Ducks. When we sing Old McDonald we let you choose which animal is on the farm and your top choices are a dog, a lion, a cat, and a duck.

Oh, and I love calling you on the phone and hearing you say, “Hi!”

Love ya,


  1. drdawn February 28, 2014

    She is growing so fast! Enjoy every moment! 🙂


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