March 5, 2014

The Duck Park

By Kevin In 35mm, Black and White, Candid, Natural Light



This is your absolute favorite park — you go with mom at least three or four times a week. I try to come with you as much as I can. The first stop is feeding the ducks and looking for the two little muskrats that like to swim up and get a piece of the action as well.

Of course, there’s a pretty epic playground, so that’s always the second stop. As you get older, I can see you riding your bike on the trails around the lake and us having picnics in the big field or up on the rocks.

Some new stuff you’re doing:

“Dah-bee” — That’s code for “you handed that to me” or “I gave that to someone.”

“Deeee” — You did something you’re proud of.

Whenever you hear a baby crying, you say, “mommy” as in, they want their mommy. And many times you’ll follow it up with “daddy.”

After we get you ready for bed we ask, “how do you want to go to bed tonight?” Sometimes you choose flying, but almost always you choose crawling. So mom and I crawl behind you from your playroom to the bedroom. And typically you want me to backflip you into the bed.

I love you — you’re my favorite part of life.


  1. Mom March 5, 2014

    More great pics of a beautiful little girl! Love your note to her as well.

  2. Gramma Gray Gray March 7, 2014

    Great pics! She’s such a beautiful child. I loved taking my kids to the park when they were little. It’s just so wonderful to see them interact with nature. I’m glad she’s not afraid of the ducks.


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