October 2, 2014

Destin 2014 Round 2

By Kevin In 200mm, 50mm, Candid, Natural Light, Travel, With Mom

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We’re back to the beach for a second round this year. Destin, of course. Unfortunately the first few days were stormy. But stormy weather makes for good pictures too πŸ™‚

Our last trip was back in June and the differences in you between then and now are pretty amazing.

Your talking is exploding and you’re becoming more and more independent. This trip, you asked for a Puddle Jumper so you can go in the water by yourself and without us holding you.

Just last trip we had to carry you around most places or put you in a stroller. Now you’re able to walk with us and you know to stay on the sidewalk and look for cars when crossing the street.

At the playground in Sandestin, you were running and didn’t know you were about to go into a side street. I said, “Noelle, that’s a street!” and you stopped.

You’ve been saying some pretty hilarious things lately, too. When we were walking back from the beach one day you were trailing pretty far behind me. I looked back and you had disappeared into a little side path.

I came back to you and said, “Noelle, where are you going?” You replied, “this way.” I said, “Mommy and I aren’t going that way, we’re going back to the condo.” You repeated that you wanted to go that way. I said, “Mommy will be scared because she won’t know where you are,” to which you replied, “I’ll come back Daddy. I always come back.”

This trip was a bit different. We came with friends this time.One of the pictures is you with your friend Owen.Β It’s been really fun — I think we’ll make this trip with friends a regular thing.

Love ya,


  1. Ava Falite October 12, 2014

    Hi Mr. Geary. This is Ava. WE MISS YOU!!! Hope you’re doing well. Your baby is very cute!

    • Kevin October 12, 2014

      Thanks Ava! Miss you too! Hope you’re doing well πŸ™‚


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