October 30, 2015

Halloween 3.0

Baby BumbleBee

By Kevin In 50mm, 85mm, Holidays, Natural Light

I didn’t really have a photo concept for your BumbleBee outfit and it’s been raining ALL week. So we scrambled to get out yesterday and at least get something. I think we did well. Thank you so much for standing and posing—that’s not something you had any interest in doing last year.

I wanted to do a photo of you flying, but we just couldn’t make it work with the time allotted. And I think it’s a concept that will work better when you’re a little older and can get into the pose I need to make it work. We’ll do it at some point!

Shiloh is getting closer and closer to making her appearance. I’m not so sure mom is going to make it to December with her. If she does, I’ll be surprised.

You’re so excited to meet her. You talk about her every day. You talk to her in mommy’s tummy. We’ve explained that it’s tough having a newborn and that she won’t be able to play with you right away and that you might be disappointed about some things, but you keep insisting that it won’t be hard for you—you just want to meet her. I know you’re going to be an amazing big sister because you’re so kind and gentle and patient.

I’m excited to meet her too. Just a few more weeks.







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