August 15, 2012

7 Weeks

By Kevin In Flash, Posed


They say time flies — it truly does. Noelle is rapidly approaching the two month mark and weighing in at over 12 pounds. It feels like we just brought her home. I can’t wait for all the “firsts” to start happening, though Kat says she can wait. She’s not interested in seeing her little baby grow up too fast.

Mom got peed on right before this picture was taken. Noelle will probably get a laugh out of that in a few years when we tell her. And there’s another interesting part to the story in “the picture” section.

{ The Picture }

Nothing special here. I used my 50″ Apollo JS with an AB800 as the background and 28″ Apollo with an LP160 as the key light boomed overhead. A silver reflector below provided some fill into the bottom shadows.

Stupid me forgot to take the black cover off the strobe in the beginning — I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why I was getting f4 shooting into the JS with the AB800 at full power. And why does it smell like smoke? Not sure what’s worse, what I did or not realizing your lens cap is still on when shooting at the Olympics.

Mom got peed on and I melted a strobe cover. Chalk this one up as a lose-lose.

  1. Madeline Laguaite August 15, 2012

    Both were interesting stories 🙂 Noelle’s hair looks so beautiful in this picture!!


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