September 16, 2012

Looking Up

By Kevin In 85mm, Flash

Looking Up


This picture wouldn’t have been possible just a few weeks ago — you’re able to tilt your head and look almost straight up now. We put you in your Bumbo seat and mom used a toy to get your attention (which you’re tracking really well now). The goal was to get a shot of your big beautiful eyes and I think we got it 😉

{ The Picture }

Noelle was sitting on the floor in her Bumbo. This was a test shoot since it was the first time using my new Einstein — which I love by the way. I put it in the Apollo Orb directly to Noelle’s right. Kat held a white reflector on the other side while dangling a toy to get Noelle to look up. The only thing I’m not sure I like are the catchlights — for babies I think I’m starting to really prefer natural light in the eyes. It’ll be something I continue to play around with going forward.

I used the Canon 85mm 1.8 for this because — as you can see — it’s tack sharp.

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