December 11, 2012

90 Degrees, Here I Come

By Kevin In 85mm, Black and White, Flash, Posed, Uncategorized, With Mom


You’re so close to sitting up! You’re 90% there, so mom and I wanted to do a shot to show everyone. We’ll do another one when you’re doing it all on your own.

We also took a picture of you for the family Christmas cards over the weekend but mom won’t let me show anyone. After Christmas I’ll post it up.

My new favorite thing about you is every morning when you wake up and see me for the first time you smile really big. Every. Time. #makesmyday

A couple of our viewers — we won’t mention any names — seem to only like pictures that are in color and with the subject staring at the camera, so I’ve posted a few of the alternates from the shoot this morning below. But that image above is priceless to me. Your interaction with mom is so beautiful.

Love you,


{ The Picture }

Lighting Diagram for "90 Degrees"

I’ve been playing around a lot lately with having flash mimic natural light and have been getting good results. I built the lighting in this image by exposing for the scene so the ambient coming through the window was slightly blown out. I used the Einstein 640 in an Apollo Orb as the main light at camera right. I shot a few pictures with that setup and decided the background space surrounding the windows was too dark, which made the main light too obvious. To fix this I used an LP160 on the kitchen counter pointing at the ceiling at camera left behind Noelle to fill the room with more light. Final exposure was 1/60th at f1.8, ISO100. Typically, 1/60 on an 85mm lens is a no-no due to camera shake but I was laying on my stomach which provided a good base for holding the camera and the strobes help minimize camera shake as well so I wasn’t too worried about it. The image was processed completely in Lightroom.

  1. Natalie December 11, 2012

    i love this so much. so true about how close she is with mom! 🙂 love the faded out background most. your bebe is so big now. its like a blink and she’ll be right next to bethany yelling “hi-yah” at yall. enjoy every minute.

    • Kevin December 12, 2012

      Thanks Nat!

  2. Andrea Paige Jackson December 12, 2012

    We wish you a squeeful Christmas, we wish you a squeeful Christmas, we WISH you a squeeful Christmas and a SNOOGIT NEW YEARRRRRR. <3

    • Kevin December 12, 2012

      It’s hard not to squeeze too hard 🙂

  3. Madeline December 12, 2012

    Awww! Noel is so close to sitting up! How exciting! Personally, I like pictures with and without colour, so keep them coming! 🙂

    • Kevin December 12, 2012

      Will do!


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