January 4, 2013

Crazy Hair

By Kevin In 35mm, Black and White, Candid, Flash



I freakin’ love this series — you rock my world.

It was kind of an accidental idea. Mom loves to put your hair up for the Pebbles look and the other day when she took off the hair band your hair just went crazy; I remembered that today when I was trying to come up with a photo idea and knew I had to make the crazy hair an official series.

This past week you’ve been doing so many new things:

The biggest development is that you cut your first tooth. Actually, both bottom front teeth are poking through!

Your new favorite sound is “pffft.” The third image from the top is the “pffft” face.

You’re also sucking your lips a lot and wiggling your lower jaw around. I guess you just figured out those muscles so you’re working them all the time.

Are you ready to crawl? Maybe — you’re scooting up on your knees and sticking your butt in the air. After a few minutes you get frustrated that you’re not going anywhere. I’ve got good news and bad news about the crawling: The good news is that you got to play with another baby today (well, yesterday now) and you got to see her crawl. Maybe it’ll help you see what you’re desperately trying to accomplish. The bad news is that she hit you with a toy and you cried 🙁

Today is my last day off work for Christmas break. It’s been so amazing being home with you every day for the last two weeks and I’m not looking forward to going back to my old schedule. I’d much rather stay at home chillin’ with my baby.

Love you, dad.

{ The Picture }

The whole series was shot with one light — an Einstein 640 in a 50″ Apollo JS. I haven’t used the 50″ in a while so I decided to force myself to use it even though space was very tight. Our house doesn’t have any large blank walls  so I had to use a little slice of a wall. The JS is gigantic and throws seriously soft and beautiful light.

The whole point of today’s shoot was to test my new Sigma 35mm 1.4 and put it through it’s paces. So far, I really like what I see. Sometimes Noelle’s hair falls in front of her eye and the focus point catches the hair instead of the iris and at shallow depth of field can slightly throw the iris out of focus. But I got a few where focus hit perfectly and I can attest that this lens is amazingly sharp, even wide open.

Behind the scenes shot below…


  1. Katharine January 4, 2013

    Une squash une squeeze!

  2. Madeline Laguaite January 4, 2013

    This is too cute! I love the crazy hair…

  3. Andrea Paige Jackson January 4, 2013

    Congratulations! Y’all have produced an Irish She-Buddha. 🙂 <3 She is so peachy.

    • Kevin January 4, 2013

      Lol. I keep coming back to look at them — easily one of my favorite series so far.

  4. vanessa January 4, 2013

    love it, love her hair. Good job kev

    • Kevin January 4, 2013

      Thanks V!

  5. […] Thankfully, off the sale of an EF-S lens I no longer have any use for, I was able to pick up the new Sigma 35mm f1.4. I’m still in testing mode with this lens so I can’t make too many comments about it yet, but you can see the first set I shot with my daughter with it here. […]

  6. […] cold has been limiting our shooting areas to indoors. So this was taken in the same spot as the Crazy Hair set with pretty much the same lighting setup. However, I used a different curves adjustment for the […]

  7. […] hair is getting so long! We’re going to have to do another Crazy Hair series and compare the […]


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