February 17, 2013

First Foods

By Kevin In 35mm, Candid, Flash, Milestones, Natural Light


We decided to let you start trying some foods because you seemed interested. Instead of feeding you we’re letting you take the lead. You love the texture and don’t seem to mind being messy. However, the jury is still out on what you think of the flavor.

So far we’ve done sweet potato and avacado. We’re doing banana next.

We didn’t really set up these shots — they’re just quick candids so we decided to make a video out of it.

Love you!

All of the shots from the video are below. It’s natural light mixed with a little bounced fill flash. I’d really love to do a more in depth session with better lighting but I’ve been swamped with work lately. They’ll be good memories to look back on nonetheless.


  1. Mom February 17, 2013

    Sweet….good food choices for making a mess!

  2. Gramma Gray February 20, 2013

    OMG Noelle is eating REAL FOOD!!! It looks like she enjoys it!


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