July 25, 2012

A Long Hot Summer

By Kevin In Flash, Posed, Wide Angle, With Mom


Name a post on the blog for my daughter after a classic rap album? Sure, why not.

I jogged up to the park this afternoon and did sprints on the baseball field. It seems like just a few months ago I was doing a workout at the same park and they were having an Easter celebration. I remember seeing all the kids and families at the festival — you were still in mommy’s tummy. I was overwhelmed with excitement knowing that every year going forward we’d be enjoying the same celebrations with you.

When I arrived back home from the workout, today’s picture is what I found — you and mommy taking a Summer nap. What an amazing thing to come home to. You’re both so beautiful. Love, Dad.

P.S. You’re 4 weeks old today!

{ The Picture }

Kat and Noelle were both sleeping but they were in the wrong position for me to light them the way I wanted so I did reposition them in the bed. I didn’t want any of the headboard, side table, etc. in the shot as I wanted it to be very bright and clean, free of distraction.

The main light was an LP160 in an Apollo Orb positioned top left of the frame. The problem with two people facing each other like this is that no matter what side you light them from, they cast shadows on the other person. So I used another LP160 in a white shoot-through umbrella aimed at the ceiling top right of the frame to provide a general fill for the room and fill in the shadows created by the main light.

I also kept the shutter speed slower at 1/60 and opened up the ISO one stop to 200 to let a little of window light in (windows are toward bottom of frame). I’m not sure how much actually got in because I never tested the exposure without the strobes as it just wasn’t necessary. My first guess for the exposure settings worked out just fine so I rolled with it. You don’t have much time when you’re working with newborns.

I was standing over them on the bed so I needed a wider angle lens than I normally shoot with. The Canon 17-55 2.8IS comes in very handy in these situations.

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