January 17, 2013

A Short Break From Winter

By Kevin In 35mm, Black and White, Candid, Natural Light, With Mom

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There’s a lot of developments this week. First and foremost, you pulled into the sitting position on your own! When you’re on your back, you roll to one side and start to prop yourself up on your arm — then you pull right up into the sitting position. Mom got you on video doing it (I just caught myself writing “on tape” and had to change it — thank you 1995). Take a look:

You’ve also nearly mastered the army crawl and it’s currently your favorite mode of transportation. You use your arms and legs together while flat on your stomach and you’re getting around pretty well that way. We have to keep a close eye on you now!

Also, you’re pushing up onto all fours and rocking back and forth. You want to crawl around but you haven’t quite been able to get the coordination down yet. The crawl probably isn’t far off though. No rush!

We took these shots at the park downtown and it was an amazing day. It was in the low 60s, the sun was beautiful, there was a man playing music, and we just walked around and had a really great time as a family. The park has a big fountain that all the kids play in during the Summer. I can see you dashing in and out of the water in the near future, which brings a smile to my face.

{ The Picture }

All of the images were shot with the Sigma 35mm f1.4 and a silver reflector. They were processed exclusively in Lightroom, no retouching, and some of them have a film grain added to them, which I’ve been experimenting with a lot lately. This set looked really good in black and white because of how dominating the magenta/pink dress is, but I threw a dash of color in there for the color lovers.

1 Comment
  1. Andrea Paige Jackson January 17, 2013

    I am DYIN’ over here from teh cutez. She’s so adorable it makes my hair hurt. Her TOES, man. They’re like separate, sentient beings. 😀


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