April 11, 2013

A Warm Welcome — Hello Spring!

By Kevin In 35mm, Black and White, Candid, Natural Light, Summer, Wide Angle












I got off work early yesterday and came home to a beautiful afternoon; you and mom were playing in the front yard with the water table. The sun was starting to drop toward the tree line so I grabbed the camera and took some photos.

You LOVE the water table. And so do all the neighborhood kids — they come to play with it and you.

I gotta say I cringe a little bit when you drink the water out of it though!

Love ya,


{ The Picture }

Three of the images are edited in Photoshop and the rest are edited in Lightroom. I really like this set because it was a quick capture with minimal equipment, but at the same time there’s a lot of work with controlling the natural light.

Kat was holding a scrim to drop the light intensity from the sun (you can see the shadow lines in some of the pictures) and I was using a white reflector on the opposite side to bounce some light back into the shadows.

In none of the images is the sun directly hitting Noelle. This is one of the keys to getting very clean natural light photos. Of course, this could have been done a lot better with a bigger scrim and perhaps one that’s only a half stop instead of a full stop, but when you’ve got 10 minutes to get it done you just have to do your best 🙂


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