April 5, 2014

All Aboard

By Kevin In 35mm, Candid, Natural Light, With Mom



Today we went to the train museum! Your new favorite word is “choo choo.” Of course, you’re saying sooo many new words. Basically, any time we say a new word you repeat it. You’re starting to pick up language really fast now.

At the train museum you rode on a little train that did two laps around the tracks and then we went on the REAL train. You were a little scared of the horn that kept blowing on the train. When you want to tell us you’re scared, you gasp. And you do it multiple times to make sure we know you’re scared.

A few other things:

  • When you’re looking for something you walk around saying, “hmmm.”
  • If something goes awry, you say, “oh man.”
  • We got you some baby dolls and you’re really into them. You put them to bed and then come tell mom and I, “shhhh.” You push them around in strollers. You also nurse them and then ask mom to nurse them too. And you kiss them.
  • You say that you’re “one” by holding up one finger.
  • When we tell you something and you understand, you say, “oh.”
  • That reminds me, sometimes when we’re trying to explain something to you, you don’t understand and you start to complain. I’ve come up with a rule for mom called, “you have to get to the ‘oh.'” That means, we have to find different ways to explain it until you understand and affirm your understanding with the “oh” expression. Then there’s no complaining.

I had so much fun with you today.

The last thing I want to tell you is that I so love how in the mornings you run out of the bedroom and come find me (I’m waking up before you now) and hug me. It’s the best.


  1. Mom April 6, 2014

    Great pics of my baby doll! Looks like you had a fun day! Love the developmental updates and “Yes”, hugs from your child are the best…at any age!

  2. Andrea Paige Jackson April 6, 2014

    She’s just going to get more and more fun as time goes by. 🙂

    • Kevin April 7, 2014


  3. ahersch April 7, 2014

    So adorable!

    • Kevin April 7, 2014

      Thank you!


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