December 21, 2012

Dad and Me

By Kevin In 50mm, Black and White, Flash, Posed, With Dad


It’s the first ever post with dad and I can’t believe it took almost 6 months! It would have taken longer but I happen to be doing a self portrait project and was able to use this picture for here AND my self series so it really worked out well. And to tell you the truth, I don’t think this would have ever turned out as good as it did if I hadn’t already been practicing with self portraits.

This is also the first image edited on the new iMac, the first with Lightroom 4, and the first with Photoshop CS6 🙂 Lots of firsts today.

Noelle — you’re almost sitting up. Right now, you grab my pinky and pull yourself up into the sitting position. And you can stay there for about 15 seconds until you lose focus and go tumbling off to one side, sometimes rolling all the way over in the process.

You’re also making a new noise. It’s hard to describe, but it sounds like “bbuu–[gurgle]” You’ve completely ditched “meh” and you’re rocking this new sound pretty often.

Another cool thing you’re doing that I want to get video of is turning on the sink faucet. When we sit you in your bumbo you like to run your hand through the water. If we turn the faucet off, you stare at like, “hey, what happened?” Then you grab the handle and turn the water back on and continue. Then we turn it off and you repeat. It’s cute.

Sad update of the week: I was holding you at the kitchen table the other day and coughed. You stared at me like, “omg what was that?” Then your bottom lip quivered and you starting crying. It scared you! It was the first time I’ve scared you — heartbreaking.

Christmas is in a few days and we can’t wait to celebrate with you. I also have two new outfits that we’re going to try to take photos in soon (hopefully it warms up a touch) — one grandma got you and one I picked out. We love you!

{ The Picture }

Who needs a studio when you have a kitchen? See the behind the scenes shot below:


1 Comment
  1. Andrea Paige Jackson December 22, 2012



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