September 10, 2015

Destin 4.0

The Beach, Friends, Boating, and Being Pregnant

By Kevin In 200mm, 35mm, 85mm, Black and White, Candid, Natural Light, Summer, Travel, With Mom

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.

A new tradition was born this year—an annual trip to the beach with close friends. The friends you’re growing up with. The friends whose parents respect children. We’ve finally created a close-knit group. A completely safe and nourishing environment for all of us.

It’s so…comfortable.



The mainstream world is lonely sometimes. Society doesn’t respect children. It’s full of yelling, screaming, spanking, threats, coercion, isolation, punishments, rewards, oppressive schooling, and blind obedience to authoritarianism.

Those are not things we are looking to expose you to any time soon. When they day comes that you are exposed to it, you’ll be prepared. But there’s no reason to burden you with it yet.

For now, your days should be filled with play, discovery, relationships, and peaceful interactions. And our amazing friends, who we’ve made over the past couple years, allow us to facilitate that for you.


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Life is education. There’s nothing that school has to offer that life doesn’t. It’s quite clear to me that authentic education only happens outside of school. Whether it’s building and using your imagination on the beach, seeing a fever of stingrays or a pod of dolphins to get you interested in marine life, or experiencing new cities and interesting situations, I love watching you grow and learn in such a meaningful and fulfilling way.



And doing it with friends along side you is icing on the cake…


There’s one thing I know for sure: Shiloh is going to have an outstanding teacher and big sister. The closer we get to her birth the more you talk about her. You talk about the things you’re going to show her and the way you’re going to treat her and protect her.

You can’t wait to meet her and neither can we. In less than three months we’ll be able to see her smiling face.

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We’re coming back to a new home from this trip. A new chapter. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see what it holds in store.

Love you,

1 Comment
  1. Diane September 13, 2015

    I love this new format. Your writing is as important as the pics and you do both so well! Love from Mom and Grandma!


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