February 6, 2015

Snip Snip

Noelle's First Haircut

By Kevin In 35mm, Candid, Flash, Milestones, Natural Light

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We told you that we were going to get you a haircut and you said you were scared because it will hurt.

Mommy and I reassured you that it doesn’t hurt to get your hair cut, but it might hurt a little when they brush it.

You seemed to be okay with that, so we made your appointment and everything went well. I think you were a little reserved and unsure, but you sat very still–it was quick and painless.

She finished with a braid on your right side. I love it.

Mom and I were just saying how every day we wake up and you seem a little older. Your talking is getting clearer and clearer and you’re saying the funniest stuff.

We love you,


Photos: The lighting in these places is atrocious so this is a simple on-camera bounce flash (off the ceiling). The final two pictures are outside in open shade.

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