February 1, 2014

First Snowfall

By Kevin In 85mm, Candid, Natural Light, Winter

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January 28th was your first snowfall! It started snowing around noon and kept going until around 7pm.

Some new things you’re doing:

  • Saying “hi” on the phone.
  • Using the potty a lot of the time.
  • Putting your “dishes” in the sink when you’re done with them because that’s what you’ve seen us do.
  • Putting on your rain boots yourself.
  • You give me a hug and kiss every night, but then you always point at mommy and tell me to hug and kiss her too.

Some of your favorite new activities:

  • Swinging on the swing: you sit in the seat and back up as far as you can and then lift your feet up and swing.
  • Singing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and doing the hand movements.
  • Building with your blocks.
  • Going fast in your cozy coop down the driveway.
  • Running. And you like to say, “ready, set, go” but you have your own words for that.

Love ya!


  1. ahersch February 1, 2014

    So beautiful!

    • Kevin February 1, 2014

      Thank you 🙂

  2. Paula Mullavey February 1, 2014

    Your growing up too fast Noelle but so CUTE!!


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