November 4, 2014

Dentist 1.0

By Kevin In 35mm, Black and White, Candid, Milestones, Natural Light

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You had your first trip to the dentist! This was actually right before Halloween but I didn’t get the pictures edited in time to post before your Halloween picture.

Mom and I had no idea what you were going to think of the dental experience, but we did our best to prepare you. We got books on going to the dentist and practiced looking in your mouth. We told you about the lights and the jacket you’d have to wear during the x-rays…

I can tell the trust you have in us. You went right in with us when they called you. From start to finish, you let everyone do what they needed to do. It was about as smooth of a trip as it could have been.

Shout out to Rebekah for the awesome dress!

Love you,


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