October 24, 2012

Goodbye Summer

By Kevin In 85mm, Candid, Natural Light, With Mom



We’re saying goodbye to Summer and welcoming the beauty of Fall. The seasons are changing and so are you. Each new day we get to see more and more of your personality. You’re babbling, wanting to talk so bad and we love it. You rolled over! And only a few short days later you learned to roll back.

You’re awake so much now. This past weekend we took you to the park. You were just taking it all in, having a blast.

Mom threw you up in the air — that’s never something we could have done before. You also did airplane for the first time with mommy the other day — she held your hands and balanced you on her feet. It’s so fun to watch you take in everything — every sight, every sound.

This morning I was sitting on the couch and all of your pictures were scrolling on our TV. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown and changed in just three and a half months. I went and got you from mom and just hugged and kissed on you. You are so special to me.

Your mom is pretty amazing too. Everything she does is about what’s best for you, even when everyone else might not get it. She’s been that way since day one and she hasn’t let up one bit. She has a lot of courage and passion. Me and you — we’re very lucky to have her.

Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon and we can’t wait to celebrate them with you. We’re going to put up a tree and — for the first time — I’m thinking about putting up lights on the house. It was a tradition when I was a kid and I think it’s one I want to carry on now that you’re here. I look forward to the day that you can help me string them.

I look forward to a countless number of things. Every day I think of something new that I want to do with you as you grow up. I’m going to have to start writing them down so we don’t leave anything out!

This weekend we’ll be taking your four month picture. If all goes as planned you’ll be up at the lake floating in the air on a magic balloon ride 😉 I can’t give out anymore details — shhh, it’s a secret!

I love you, Noelle. You’re beautiful and amazing.

~ Dad

  1. Andrea Paige Jackson October 24, 2012

    Well, THAT made me cry. And the throwing-the-baby-in-the-air pic made me just about have a heart attack. Altogether awesome.

  2. Ken October 24, 2012

    Fantastic images – beautiful family.

  3. LydiaToo October 24, 2012

    Beautiful! All of it.

    You are blessed.
    (I don’t like the throwing her into the air one. Makes me nervous.)

  4. mpeters October 24, 2012


  5. Madeline Laguaite October 25, 2012

    These natural light photos are simply breathtaking. I really loved all the fall colours that were incorporated and both your subjects look fantastic!


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