March 30, 2013

Nine Months

By Kevin In Flash, Milestones, Posed


It’s a few days after you turned 9 months, but who’s counting, right? #busyparents

So what’s new: you’re standing up on your own from the sitting position, you’re walking like crazy with your walker, and you’re furniture surfing — walking the room by holding on to different pieces of furniture.

Today you held my hand and took a few steps with me, but then you got distracted and plopped down and crawled off.

We’re experimenting more and more with different foods. You’ve been eating grass fed ground beef, organic mangos, tomatoes, and carrots.

You’re hair is getting so long! We’re going to have to do another Crazy Hair series and compare the two.

Exactly one year ago today I was doing a sprint workout up at the park around the corner from our house and I was watching all the parents do an Easter egg hunt with their children. You were in mommy’s tummy. I remember the overwhelming feeling of wishing that I was at that Easter egg hunt with you. Yesterday, mom and I took you to that very Easter egg hunt.


{ The Picture }

Pretty simple setup in our backyard: one Einstein 640 on a boom in an Apollo Orb camera left. Shot at 200mm with the Canon 70-200 F4L and the Canon 5D MKII.

  1. Mom March 31, 2013

    She is growing up so fast and is a beautiful little girl!

  2. Andrea Paige Jackson March 31, 2013

    I can’t believe she’s nearly a year old already. And prettier than ever.


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