December 28, 2012

Peek-A-Boo Bear | 6 Months

By Kevin In 50mm, Flash, Posed


Outfit Courtesy of Grandma Gray.
Peek-a-boo Bear Courtesy of Grandma Diane.

The peek-a-boo bear is an electronic bear that plays peek-a-boo and talks. Noelle got it as one of her many Christmas gifts. Yesterday was her 6 month anniversary and we decided to do a mini series with it. We’re not sure which part of peek-a-boo bear Noelle enjoys more — actually playing peek-a-boo with him or eating him. About two seconds after these shots were taken she mauled him.

{ The Picture }

Like a lot of the shots lately, these were shot in our bedroom. We brought the pillows closer to the center of the bed so we could avoid the headboard and side table/lamp getting into the shot. The lighting was a little more complicated this time — four separate lights were employed. The key light is an Einstein 640 in an Apollo Orb camera left almost directly behind the bear but slightly closer to camera. The second light is an LP160 in an Apollo 28 providing a kicker. The third light — another LP160 — is laying on the floor behind the bed pointing at the white sheets on the bed and bouncing back to evenly light the wall. The last strobe is a Canon 430 EX II on camera with a Rogue Flashbender providing ceiling bounce and front fill.

There’s something about kids images that just make me want to light them brightly and avoid deep shadows. That might change over time, but it’s my go-to look for now.

  1. Andrea Paige Jackson December 28, 2012

    Second photo is the best. “Wha’ happen?” Hee.

  2. Jennie December 28, 2012

    Oh my goodness, she is precious, and you are so talented! I generally just blog stalk ya, but I couldn’t resist commenting! Happy 6 months to sweet Noelle and your whole family!

    • Kevin December 28, 2012

      Thanks Jennie!


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