September 14, 2013

Petting Zoo and Updates

By Kevin In 35mm, Candid


The Summer is winding down. It’s kind of a shame that I haven’t done any “official” updates here, but we’re at a point where all you want to do is run, climb, spin, and play, which means that getting out lights and camera equipment and shooting a “concept” would likely just frustrate you. So, for now, it’s just snapshots. There will be plenty of opportunities for more elaborate photo sessions in the future, so I’m not stressing.

Yesterday we took you to Yellow River Game Ranch at Stone Mountain. We fed goats…

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We saw bears…

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You and mom pet mom’s new favorite animal — the baby goat.

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There were cougars, deer, foxes and more. I think your favorite part was the peacocks.

You got to feed and pet the bunnies and had a great time with that until the last bunny bit your thumb. That was unfortunate, but you recovered quickly.

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After the ranch we stopped to get some breakfast and then this was you on the way home. You’ve been adjusting to the car seat lately — you never used to fall asleep in the car and now you’re starting to get more comfortable with it.

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Love you,


  1. Andrea Paige Jackson September 14, 2013

    Oh my GOSH, the sleepy fists. Squeeze her for me.

    • Chris Kling October 11, 2013

      AP… your absence on FB has caused a great disturbance in the Force. I hope it was nothing I said.

      • Andrea Paige Jackson October 11, 2013

        Not whatsoever. FB kept me sedentary and disgusted w/the world in general. 🙂

  2. Gray Bridges October 3, 2013

    It must have been that bunny from Monty Python’s Holy Grail movie. The killer rabbit…


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