October 1, 2012


By Kevin In 50mm, Flash, Posed

3 Month Old Girl -- Photos From Dad

This is a guest post from mom.

Dear Noelle,

You have found your voice. Your generic newborn cry is history.

This week, you’re babbling a lot and making new sounds and I love each and every one. I love your new, high pitched babble. I love the way you hold my finger as you breast feed and fall asleep. I love the way you smile big gummy smiles at me when you first wake up. I love how you fell asleep to me kissing your face the other night. I love how you grabbed my nose and mouth for the first time this week — and daddy’s, too!

You are a phenomenal baby. Happy 3 months, my angel. I cherish the last three months and look forward to the future with you.

I love you, precious Noelle,


{ The Picture }

This photo didn’t have any clear direction when I started setting it up. The only thing I knew was that I wanted Noelle to be on her stomach and we had the outfit chosen. I rearranged the family room a little bit but nothing was going to work as a clean background. When I can’t find a clean background I always default to shooting wide open to blur it all out. I was shooting with my Canon 50mm 1.4 at f1.8.

We put Noelle on her stomach on the coffee table. The main light was an Einstein 640 in an Apollo Orb camera right. The room had almost no ambient light so I boomed an LP160 over my head and shot it through an umbrella at its lowest power setting for fill. This makes the shadows on Noelle’s face much softer and provides the light for the room you see in the background.

1 Comment
  1. nikkimichaellamartello December 8, 2012

    this photo blog is such a beautiful thing…. <3


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