June 29, 2012

She’s Here!

By Kevin In 50mm, Candid, Natural Light, Newborn

Newborn Sleeping | Photos From Dad

Noelle Mariah arrived on June 27th at 6:31am. All 8 pounds and 9 ounces of her. The labor to bring her into the world was both a marathon and a miracle. We can’t thank the hospital staff enough for their expertise, guidance, patience, and kindness. What an amazing journey and what an incredible gift.

Today’s picture was captured just a few minutes ago during a nap time. We’re planning an “official” photo shoot when she’s a few days older so stay tuned for that. I have zero experience photographing newborns so this is going to be a learning experience for all of us. That’s probably where lots of patience and lots of coffee come in to play.

One of my goals with this blog is to share my photography processes with anyone who is interested. Sometimes I’ll be using fancy equipment but a lot of times I’ll be using basic equipment that every mom or dad has access to (for the parents who want to learn to take better photos of their kids). So each entry I’ll describe how the image was made. I also foresee detailing how the images were processed in the computer if that becomes an area of interest to any of my readers.

{ The Image }

This is not a posed image, just a candid shot of Noelle napping. The lighting is window light coming from behind Noelle (a lot of the images in the near future will be with natural light as I just don’t have the time and energy to set up any lights). There wasn’t much of it so this was shot at 800 ISO with a shutter speed of 1/25th.

When you’re shooting with this slow of a shutter speed you have to stabilize the camera. I was laying in bed next to Noelle and used two pillows underneath the camera to stabilize the shot. If you press into the pillows, breathe slowly, and easily depress the shutter you can avoid any motion blur. I was shooting with the Canon 50mm 1.4 at f2.8. Consequently, this shot could easily have been made with the $100 Canon 50mm 1.8.

That’s it — no reflectors or anything else. This is a shot anyone can make 🙂

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1 Comment
  1. Andrea Paige Jackson July 3, 2012

    Adorable child, cool info. 🙂


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