January 14, 2013

The Playroom

By Kevin In 35mm, Black and White, Candid, Natural Light


Your playroom is finally seeing A TON of PLAY! Now that you’re able to sit up and roll around and scoot a little bit you’re having a blast in the playroom. I was playing with you for 30 minutes the other day while mom took a nap. We snapped some pictures, chewed some toys (your favorite!) and inspected some blocks.

We’re going to be a posting a series of pictures of you that we took at the park over the weekend. Mom and I were talking about how you’re changing so much. Your face is looking different, your arms and legs are getting so much longer, it’s so fun watching it all and looking back at the older pictures.

Love you!

~ Dad

{ The Picture }

Ever since the Sigma 35mm f1.4 arrived I’ve been shooting with it exclusively. I do this to every lens I own. I’ve found it’s just best to shoot EVERYTHING with it for a few weeks or even a few months so you really get to know it. When I put a lens on my camera, I want to know the ins and outs of the lens, I want to know exactly what the scene is going to look like when I put it up to my eye, I want to know the little intricacies, and so on. That kind of understanding comes from using the same lens almost religiously until it’s second nature. And the Sigma couldn’t be more fun to do it with. I love the 35mm focal length and this lens is simply beautiful and fun to shoot with.

The images were all natural light from a large window in the room. It was an overcast day so nice, even, somewhat soft light was pouring in. It’s not a north facing window so it’s not perfect, but it’ll do most of the time. No reflectors, just an ISO bump (1250) and shoot. I’ve been experimenting a lot lately with adding grain to black and whites and I’m really liking the look. Hard to tell when the pictures are small like this but it really gives a more vintage and whimsical look.

There’s a bigger update (12-15 photos) coming later this week but I wanted to post these two up before it.

1 Comment
  1. Andrea Paige Jackson January 14, 2013

    I shall squeeze her, and she shall be squozen. <3


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