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Dear Noelle (from mommy),

Happy 2nd birthday! Some things about where you’re at right now…

You love baby dolls. You are very interested in babies wherever we go.

You play with your baby dolls daily. You lay them on their tummies and say, “shhh” or “nap.” You frequently lie next to them and “seep” with them. Sometimes, you call me over to pick you up while you’re “seeping.”

You breastfeed your babies and you bring them to me to breastfeed. You pretend your babies are crying and say they want to be picked up.

A few months ago, you told me you want to fly to the moon by motioning flying. And then you added that you wanted me, daddy, you, and “Diddy” (Nay Nay) to fly to the moon too.

You love dogs and want to pet every dog you see. You love music and dance all the time in the kitchen with daddy and me.

You love to read. I often find you in your room looking at books. One of your favorites is a book called, “Everywhere Babies.” You call it “crawl baby” because it has a picture of a baby crawling on the cover.

You refer to yourself as “you” and to me as “me.” You say, “hold you” when you want me to hold you.

I have often said to you, “I love you so much I could squeeze you.” Lately, when I hold you, you will randomly squeeze me. So, I asked you if you are saying you love me and you grin ear to ear, nodding your head.

A few weeks ago, I told you I felt angry about the food I was trying to make and needed some space. You went off and played and returned a minute later, hugged my leg, and said (demanded), “happy.”

Here’s some other things that have been changing:

  • You used to sign milk when you wanted milk. Then you started saying “mo” and now you say “milkies.”
  • You’ve been saying “hand hand” when you wanted something handed to you. “Ham ham” is a hammer. And “dabi” (I think your shot at “gave me”) is your word for when you hand something to someone else.
  • You went through a stage where you wanted to “pat pat pat” everything and hug and kiss everything.
  • You’ve gone from saying “oh” for yes to “yeah” and “yup.”
  • “Bee-boo” is your favorite snack — blueberries.
  • “Fauta Fauta” is you asking to use the water fountain every time you see one.
  • “Ohhpee” — Open.
  • “Flicka micka” — Our favorite. “Flamingo.”
  • “Peeker” — computer.
  • “Addy” — cousins Brenley and Addy
  • “Mass” – mouth.
  • You’ve put together your biggest sentence yet and you feel so proud that you just keep repeating it: “Sometime Mommy turn off hose.”

You are my greatest teacher. You’ve taught me that I’ll find exactly what I’m looking for in life.

You’ve taught me how healing a big cry can be. You’ve taught me how feelings are okay just as they are. You’re teaching me what’s most important — you.

I never knew the greatest joy in life would come from listening to an enthusiastic story about a lizard. Or, from watching you play and getting lost in the moment with you.

I’m lucky to be your mom.

I love you, Noelle. Happy 2nd birthday.


  1. Frances July 14, 2014

    Happy birthday to Noelle! She’s grown up so much… still very, very adorable! 🙂 -Madeline

    • Katharine July 14, 2014

      Thank you, Madeline!


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