August 27, 2012

Two Months

By Kevin In Candid, Natural Light



It’s 6:31am and you’re exactly two months old! Mom and I can’t believe how much you’ve grown and we’re seeing big changes in your alertness and awareness. Mom has a toy hanging from your car seat and you reached up and hit it two days ago!

That’s not all…

At the park yesterday when we were taking your pictures you were so content. It was hot out and we were handing you back and forth, laying you in positions for the photos, and shooting away with the camera — but you loved it.

You’ve also been making sounds back to us when we talk to you.

You’re so beautiful and we love you.

~ Mom & Dad

{The Pictures}

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These were all shot natural light. Nothing fancy — just found some open shade and made it happen. The image where Noelle is lying in the grass we want to retake without the blanket when she’s a little bit older — we didn’t want to lay her in the grass quite yet.

1 Comment
  1. Rabbit KBarros September 13, 2012



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